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Optimizing Your <Title> Tags for SEO

The TITLE tag on your web pages is one of the most important elements for search engine optimization (SEO). Here are a few tips to optimize your TITLE tags for SEO.

Why Your Logo Matters More Than You Might Think

More than just a small graphic that you include on your marketing materials, your company logo is a visual portrayal of your business. Your logo – including it’s overall look and feel as well as it’s quality – conveys the character, professionalism

Website Usability Testing Tips for Website Owners

Usability, or a user’s ability to use, learn from, and interact with a website, is an integral part of a website’s success. Although normally a more formal process, website owners can do some usability testing themselves regardless of the type or size of

Brochure Writing … Where to Start

Brochures can be great marketing tools, but to ensure that your brochure content is organized, easily incorporated into a design layout, and helps to enforce and enhance your message, you need a content development and writing strategy.

What Is ‘Open Source’ Software?

Generally speaking, ‘open source software’ is software where the source code is made freely available for use — it may be redistributed and modified from it’s original state without charge.

How to Generate Traffic to a New Website

You’ve spent the last few weeks (or months) creating a brand new website. You’ve officially launched it and have submitted the new website to the major search engines… but you’re not getting much (if any!) traffic. This is a typical scenario in today’s

Emotional Branding & Social Media

Normally when we speak of ‘branding’ we’re referring to the name or symbol that identifies and differentiates a company or product from others. However, there is a deeper, often hidden, meaning embedded in most successful branding — emotional branding.

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