2015 Web Trends: Vertical Scrolling Web Pages
Above the fold web content in the traditional sense doesn’t really exist anymore. As users more and more often are viewing web content on mobile devices of all sizes and shapes and where vertical scrolling is innate.
Free Inspirational Poster Download
We’ve been designing some inspirational typography-based posters and plan to post them here on our blog for our clients, readers, and friends to view and download. Feel free to download and print our free inspirational posters. Here’s the first in the ser
Delays in Receiving Emails
Sometimes there are delays and emails are not received for hours or even (GASP!) days after being sent. While most emails are delivered quickly after sending, there are some reasons that an email can take longer than others to be received.
Pantone Announces It’s Color of the Year for 2015
Every year, Pantone, the company behind the Pantone Color Matching System, declares a particular color ‘Color of the Year’. Today, Pantone announced it’s 2015 Color of the Year – Marsala.
Decorating Your Website for the Holidays
Next week is Thanksgiving and that means the holiday season is officially here. It’s time to start spreading some holiday cheer! Why not take advantage of the season and decorate your website a bit for the holiday season?
What is WYSIWYG?
WYSIWYG (pronounced “wiz-ee-wig”) is an acronym for “what you see is what you get”. It is a term often used when talking about web site design and development and, more often, when discussing web content management systems. In basic terms, a WYSIWYG editi
CD and DVD Terminology Defined
CD and DVD Terminology Defined
SEO for 2015: Harnessing the Power of Being Liked
In today’s digital world, search engine optimization is more than just what it’s name implies – SEO involves creating quality content, creating relationships, becoming popular with users, and engaging in on-going PR campaigns too.
The Trend of Single Page, Scrolling Websites
Single page, scrolling websites are popping up everywhere. You’ve probably seen a few too-they are basically websites where all of the content is included in the code of a single html page and as you navigate, you simply move the page up and down.
The ABC’s of A/B Testing
In very general terms, A/B testing is a way to compare how effective two different web page layouts, designs, or elements are in achieving a particular goal.