Well-designed landing pages can increase conversions in your marketing efforts!
A “landing page” is a customized page on your website that is not necessarily part of your main content menu, nor does it even have to be accessible from any links on your website, but, rather, is integrated and linked to from your other marketing efforts. Rather than sending targeted users in a Pay-Per-Click (PPC), email marketing campaign, social media, advertisement or print piece to your website homepage, you can send them to specialized “landing pages” on your website where you might offer customized information and guide them with specific and clear calls to action.
The goal of landing pages is to convert your site visitors into customers. You can more easily track your marketing campaign effectiveness (opens, click through rates, and engagement) through the use of landing pages too. And with a well-designed landing page, you should be able to better guide users to complete your defined “Call to Action” and to take advantage of your offer.